One of the members of my book club suggested that we read a "classic" and it was time for me to pick the book. I chose this because I recall loving Thomas Hardy as a younger person (high school?) and seem to recall loving this book.
Funny thing I read and ENJOYED this book very much, I didn't remember anything about the book, characters, or plot! So, did I ever read it before? No idea! I feel certain that I DID read Jude the Obscure, so I will go back for that one now.
I started reading the book on my iPad but then checked to see if I could get it as a audiobook and I was able to borrow from the library. I really loved listening to it. The language is so beautiful and the reader was perfect for this story. Wonderful British accent. Just delightful.
I am going to go back and enjoy more classics after this wonderful reading (and listening) experience!