Saturday, March 26, 2022

Mercy Street by Jennifer Haigh

This is an extraordinary book about a very hot topic: abortion.  It's an education, as well, for someone like me - a pro-choice advocate who hasn't really considered many issues and factors that go into the decisions women have to face when they get pregnant.  Number one is often, "can I afford it?" Very sad because raising a child costs WAY more than having an abortion, especially when you are young, have no income, have addiction issues, and more.....

The characterizations are superb, even though there are several gritty, non-sympathetic characters (men and women alike!)

Claudia, the protagonist, is in her early 40's, not married and childless. She works in the clinic and describes many encounters with women, young and old, who come in for counseling.

Lots of themes here, including misogyny, white supremacism, religion, race, gender, and more.

I really enjoyed her writing and the story.  Highly recommended!

Sunday, March 13, 2022

O Beautiful by Jung Yun


Superb book! Love her writing and love the fact that she doesn't "wrap it all up" in the end.  Leaves you thinking..... and it's a realistic look into the  the world and life Elinor, the protagnoist, leads. There ARE no easy answers for the issues the author surfaces in this "O so beautifu" book.

There are so many themes going on here, political, personal and societal.  The author has a lot to say and explore (sometimes I thought maybe too much!) but in the end I was not at all disappointed in the book.  I want to read Yun's first novel. Shelter,
now that I have read this gem.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Joan is Okay by Weinke Wang

My book club picked this book so I first read Chemistry and now the newer book. I must say that I did like the older book better. I had more humor and clever language. The new book deals with serious subject matter in a more somber manner.  She is still funny and clever with language, but not in the same way. 

I loved the idea that Joan is different and SHE is okay with that fact, but others are not.  Her colleagues, relatives, bosses, friends are after her to change her life and the way she lives it.  But she is OKAY with herself and that is really AOK!